Increase AD ROI By Up To 225% With Augmented Reality
We’ve Increased Sales For Our Clients Hulu, Nestle, AT&T, General Mills, and Dr. Pepper.And now, for the first time, this technology is available for companies of all sizes.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rated 4.9 out of 5 by our customers

Trusted by hundreds of brands and marketing teams globally.

Traditional digital advertising is dying

  •  The cost of running paid ads has skyrocketed
  • ​Banner ad CTR has dropped to less than .06%
  • 89% of marketers admit that “digital ads don’t work.”
  • More Than 90% of ad clicks bounce without converting
  • ​Landing page conversion rates are declining rapidly


Augmented reality ad experiences work


Higher attention levels than video or traditional text ads and landers 


Higher engagement than equivalent non-AR experiences


Increase likelihood to purchase after having an AR experience

What exactly is AR?

AR technology has come a long way, especially on mobile phones, where AR ads are poised for explosive growth.

In fact, did you know that the AR ads industry right now is at 62 billion per year but will surpass 1.1 trillion by 2030?

And our company, Blippar, has been at the forefront of AR technology since our founding in 2011. We’ve delivered more than 20,000 AR campaigns, but we have to be honest with you.

Until now, we’ve only made ourselves available to massive brands, and that’s because the cost to create compelling, amazing, high-performing AR ads was astronomical.

Many of our Fortune 500 clients pay upwards of $250,000 for a single campaign.. and while we love doing that kind of work, we realized that there’s a massive opportunity for “regular” companies to start using this powerful technology to quickly increase their ad spend results.

Imagine creating ads that get results—not just clicks but results. Imagine ads that sell by letting clients experience your product in their homes or on their bodies.

That’s the power of AR ads, and because of our recent breakthrough, this near-superhuman ad experience is available at a fraction of what it used to cost.

Create immersive experiences

With AR experiences, your customers can interact with your products like never before. 

They can virtually try on clothes or makeup, place furniture in their homes, or even test drive a car – all from the comfort of their own devices. 

This level of immersion creates a deeper connection between your brand and your audience, leading to higher engagement and increased conversions.

Skyrocket on-page conversions
Picture this: a potential customer lands on your product page, but instead of just seeing static images and text, they're greeted with an interactive 3D model of your product. 

They can rotate it, zoom in on details, and even see how it would look in their own space or on their body. 

This level of interaction not only keeps them engaged but also builds trust and confidence in your product.
Improve revenue per visitor
By incorporating AR into your ads and landing pages, you're not just adding a cool feature—you're creating a powerful tool for driving conversions. 

When customers can see your products in action and see themselves using them, they're far more likely to make a purchase. 

One in four shoppers engage with an AR feature, and most stores see at least a 59% increase in revenue per visitor when AR is used on product pages…

All this can be tracked inside our powerful analytics dashboard so you can see a full breakdown of the campaign.

How it works

Blippar ad experience's work with your existing ad networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Google ads, Youtube and Native networks. You can even embed the ad on your website or blog.

Once your AR ad has been created you can just simply paste the unique URL anywhere you're running ads and your prospects will immediately start to experience your product in augmented reality - resulting in higher engagement rates and higher conversion rates all at the same time bringing down your cost per acquisition and dramatically improving your ROAS.

Case studies

Blippar Ads solution launched an immersive experience straight from Range Rover’s display ads. Customers were able to virtually jump into the driver’s seat with 360º views displaying the inside of the car within the context of the real world. Interactive hotspots allowed users to adjust trim and colour and to book test drives.




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Engaging with a Magnum display ad initiated the AR experience, capturing user’s attention by showcasing Magnum’s different custom toppings allowing them to create and personalise their perfect Magnum ice cream. User’s could then collect their creation from nearby stores along with a discount voucher.




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Reach millions of potential customers with our extensive ad network, featuring top-tier news sites like CNN, Fox News, and BBC. Your AR ads will be seen by a wide, engaged audience, driving high-quality traffic and boosting your conversions.

 Embed technology

Seamlessly integrate AR experiences into any page on your website with our "Easy Embed" technology. Drive traffic from Facebook, Instagram, or any other platform directly to your immersive AR content, keeping your customers engaged and moving towards a purchase.

 Easy 3D creation

Don't worry about the technical aspects of creating AR ads. Our team of experts will handle everything from 3D modeling to ad creation, converting your entire product catalog into engaging AR experiences. We do the heavy lifting so you can focus on growing your business.

What our customers have to say

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rated 4.9 out of 5 by our customers

Really had a lot of fun building this and enjoyed ideating and working on this with you and your entire team. Amazing!

- Eric Hesse
Marketing Communications @ Iovate Health Sciences International Inc

Thank you once again for being such outstanding partners and really elevating the work year over year! Everyone on your team is amazing to work with and so collaborative!

- Rich Hashimoto 
VP, Creative Director @ Mars Agency

A GREAT launch day with 13 earned media placements, over 4MM impressions and over 16k entries into our Pina Colada Sweeps! All in about 12 hours- truly amazing!

- Amanda Morrissey
Associate Brand Manager @Malibu

Ready to skyrocket your e-commerce sales with AR?

By now, you've seen the incredible potential of AR and how they can transform your e-commerce business. From unparalleled engagement to boosted conversions and sky-high ROI, AR is the future of digital advertising – and it's more accessible than ever before.

Thanks to Blippar's groundbreaking technology and our commitment to making AR affordable for businesses of all sizes, you can now harness the power of this game-changing tool without breaking the bank. Imagine creating immersive, interactive experiences that not only captivate your audience but also drive real, measurable results.

And here's the best part: by taking action now, you'll be among the first to leverage this cutting-edge technology for your e-commerce store. While your competitors are still stuck in the past with traditional, ineffective ads, you'll be light-years ahead, delivering the kind of engaging, memorable experiences that today's consumers crave.

But don't just take our word for it. Book your free demo today and see for yourself how Blippar Ads can quickly grow your online sales. Our team of experts is ready to help you create stunning AR experiences that will leave your customers in awe and your competition in the dust.

Don't wait another moment to embrace the future of advertising. 

Book your free demo now and take the first step towards an up to 200% increase in ad ROI. Your bottom line will thank you.  Book a demo call now, and let’s talk.

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